Tag Archives: polls

What did you think of 3×10 The New Neverland (12/8/13)?

3x10 Pan Emma

What did you think of episode 3×09 “Save Henry” (12/1/13)?

3x09 henry pan

Poll/discussion 3×08 “Think Lovely Thoughts”

Young Rumple's father giving him the doll

Young Rumple’s father giving him the doll

Henry about to give his heart to Pan

Henry about to give his heart to Pan

Did the episode make you think lovely or ugly thoughts?

Who should Emma choose — Hook or Neal (or neither)?

Emma and Neal, or ....

Emma and Neal, or ….

... Emma and Hook?

… Emma and Hook?

After Emma finds and rescues Henry, which of her two suitors should she choose?

Should it be Neal_Bae, the father of her child, the past (and present?) love of her life, and the man who deserted her, though it wasn’t really his fault? On the plus side, the Emma-Neal pairing, uniting the families of the Charmings and the Dark One, feels like destiny. On the minus side, Neal is boring.

Or should it be the witty, handsome Hook, who turned out to have a respectable background for a pirate? On the plus side, the Emma-Hook pairing sizzles with great chemistry. On the minus side, the pairing would prevent Henry from having the chance to live in a household with both of his parents. Also, Hook is a pirate.

If you like LOST analogies, I think Captain Swan (Hook and Emma) is like Skate (Sawyer and Kate) — each has a bad boy and a former criminal in a match that lights up the screen — while Swanfire (Neal and Emma) is like Jate (Jack and Kate) — a safer, more traditional match that brings out the more domestic sides of the characters while redeeming them from their troubled past.

What do you think?

Poll 3×07 Dark Hollow (aired 11/10/13)

3x07 Dark Hollow

So … did you like it?

Poll: Once Upon a Time in Wonderland 1×04 “The Serpent” (aired 11/7/13)


w1x04 The Serpent