“Once Upon a Time” on hiatus until January 8, 2012

(Last update 12/28/11)

Pilot episode snowy mountains

Once Upon a Time is taking a winter break

Episode 7, The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, which aired Sunday, December 11, 2011, was the “winter finale.” The next new episode will be on January 8, 2012.

Reruns will be broadcast on two Sundays during the hiatus.

Schedule of reruns for Once Upon a Time during the winter hiatus:

Sunday, December 18, 2011: Rerun of Snow Falls (Episode 3) at 8:00 PM.

Sunday, December 25, 2011: Christmas, no broadcast scheduled.

Sunday, January 1, 2012: Six-episode marathon:

4:00 PM Pilot (Episode 1)
5:00 PM The Thing You Love Most (Episode 2)

(nothing at 6:00, then back again at 7:00):

7:00 PM Snow Falls (Episode 3)
8:00 PM The Price of Gold (Episode 4)
9:00 PM The Shepherd (Episode 6)
10:00 PM The Heart is a Lonely Hunter (Episode 7)

Sunday, January 8, 2012: The show returns from hiatus with a new episode, Desperate Souls (which sounds like it’s going to be really good!).

(All times are U.S. Eastern Time.)

All episodes will be available to watch for free during the hiatus on Hulu, the ABC site, and on the ABC iPad player. Hulu and ABC are saying, though, that once the show comes back on January 8, they will only have five free episodes available at a time. So this will be the last chance (at least for a while) to rewatch the whole show for free online.

Also, for a limited time, the ABC site has episodes with text “commentary” from cast members or writers in a box below the video. This is kind of weird — I started watching one, and there were very few comments, at least in the part that I saw. I’m guessing these comments are the tweets from the live-tweeting sessions, synced up with the episodes. There are two episodes up now, with more to come (all free), and you can see them here: Full episodes with commentary. You can also buy episodes to download on iTunes and Amazon.

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